Clara Shih
Clara Shih

Technology may be traditionally perceived as a male-dominated industry, but it won't always be that way. Every day we see more and more powerful women leaders boasting outstanding achievements.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

Rather than wringing our hands about robots taking over the world, smart organizations will embrace strategic automation use cases. Strategic decisions will be based on how the technology will free up time to do the types of tasks that humans are uniquely positioned to perform.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

My entire life, I have viewed every problem as an opportunity - I've had no choice.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

When startups succeed, they do so against all odds. In the beginning, you have nothing except for your own talents and resources. By definition, everyone else is bigger, further along, and more established than you. To win, you have to swim upstream early on - and that requires hard work and long hours. There are no shortcuts.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

My high school, the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, showed me that anything is possible and that you're never too young to think big. At 15, I worked as a computer programmer at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, or Fermilab. After graduating, I attended Stanford for a degree in economics and computer science.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

My father, a math professor in Hong Kong, worked as an electrical engineer here. My mother was an art teacher, but once we came to the United States, she went back to school and became certified as a special-education teacher.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

Technologies and specific vendors may come and go, but massive cultural transformations and new kinds of relationships? Those don't go away.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

The need for strong partners and employees persists throughout the life of a company, but it is especially important in the beginning.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

Like many of my fellow entrepreneurs, I didn't create Hearsay Social with my co-founder Steve Garrity because it would be fun and easy, but because we're at our best when faced with enormous challenges.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

Social networks particularly will tend to converge and consolidate over time, especially because they're inherently governed by network effects. So the bigger ones will just get bigger, their value will multiply exponentially, and the smaller ones will become less and less relevant.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

Strong emotional connections between individuals, customers, and salespeople that trust each other will always be 10 times more powerful than the most expensive ad campaign. That's the power social media makes possible.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

As entrepreneurs, we must constantly dream and have the conviction and obsession to transform our dreams into reality - to create a future that never existed before.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

With new technologies promising endless conveniences also comes new vulnerabilities in terms of privacy and security. And nobody is immune.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

In addition to replacing many jobs, automation will also transform other jobs. Professions involving high touch, personal relationships - such as clergy, dentists, and financial advisors, for instance - face the least risk of automation but will nevertheless be profoundly transformed.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

I believe that rather than it being a case of humans versus machines, the future of financial advice more likely lies somewhere in between, where human advisors leverage artificial intelligence and automation to become smarter and more efficient at doing their jobs.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

The whole point of social media is continuity and continual engagement.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

'The Facebook Era' articulated a radical vision for how social media would transform media, relationships, and influence, creating new opportunities for businesses in the process.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

Companies can't delegate social media to the new college grad and think they have it covered.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

I wrote 'The Facebook Era' because I felt like it needed to be written, and I was one of the people who might be qualified to do so. Specifically, my background is that I developed the first business application on Facebook.

Clara Shih
Clara Shih

Listen more than you talk.