Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Danica Talos: Enough! It's not funny anymore!
Hannibal King: No, it's not, you horse-humping bitch! But it will be a few seconds from now. See, that tickle that you're feeling in the back of your throat right now?
[Asher, Jarko, and Danica start coughing]
Hannibal King: That's atomized colloidal silver. It's being pumped

through the building's air conditioning system, you cock-juggling thundercunt!
[Jarko and Asher cough harder]
Hannibal King: Which means the fat lady should be singing, right... about... now!
[pause where nothing happens]
Hannibal King: Heh, this is awkward.
[still nothing]
Hannibal King: Do you have a

cell phone?

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Blade: Now, what's behind Door Number One?
Chief Martin Vreede: I can't tell you. They-they'll kill me.
Blade: Kill you? Motherfucker, I'll kill you! I'll just enjoy it better.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Jarko Grimwood: [about his vampire Pomeranian] Precious, isn't he?
Hannibal King: Well, that depends who you ask. Because clearly, this dog has a bigger dick than you.
Jarko Grimwood: And when the fuck did you see my dick, fuck-face?
[he kicks Hannibal in the face]
Hannibal King: Ow!
[points at

Hannibal King: I was talking to her!

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

[after Hannibal sends the vampire dogs plummeting out the high-rise's window]
Jarko Grimwood: Hey, dick-face. You seen my dog?
Hannibal King: Have you tried the lobby?

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Hannibal King: [comes across Pac-Man] Fuck me.
[two Rotweilers, also vampire dogs, come into frame]
Hannibal King: Oh, fuck me sideways!

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Danica Talos: [licking one of Hannibal's wounds] You're tasting a little bland, lover. Are you getting enough fatty acids in your diet? Have you tried lake trout? Mackerel?
Hannibal King: How about you take a sugar-frosted fuck off the end of my dick?
Danica Talos: And how about everyone here not saying the word "dick" anymore? It

provokes my envy.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Dr. Edgar Vance: Do you know what day it is?
[Blade declines to answer]
Dr. Edgar Vance: How 'bout the president? You know who that is. Who's in the White House, right now?
Blade: An asshole.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Hannibal King: [after watching Blade casually kill a familiar] You know, at some point, you, uh, you might wanna consider sitting down with somebody. You know, have a little share time? Kick back. Get in touch with your inner child, that sorta thing. Also, just a thought, but you might wanna consider blinking once in a while.
[Blade stops and slowly turns to look at

Hannibal King: I'm sorry, I, uh... I ate a lot of sugar today.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Hannibal King: [to Danica, as she is dying from the Daystar Plague] Hang in there, kitten. I'll get help.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Hannibal King: What did the one lesbian vampire say to the other?
Abigail Whistler: Shut up, King.
Hannibal King: See you in 28 days.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Dracula: Blade, ready to die?
Blade: I was born ready motherfucker!
Dracula: Motherfucker... I like that.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Danica Talos: Tell us about Blade, King. What's this weapon he's been planning?
Hannibal King: I can tell you two things. One, your hairdo is ridiculous. Two, I ate a lot of garlic, and I just farted. Silent but deadly.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Dracula: Kill one man, you're a murderer, kill a million, a king. Kill them all, a God.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Abigail Whistler: [about to stab a vampire thug who said it to her] Scream if this hurts, chica!

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Hannibal King: Her name is Danica Talos. You met her earlier. And unlike typical vampires, her fangs are located in her vagina.
[Blade's expression doesn't change]
Hannibal King: Moving on...

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Blade: What the hell makes you think you know about huntin' vampires?
Hannibal King: Well, here's for starters.
[shows Vampire tattoo]
Hannibal King: I used to be one.
[puts shirt down]
Hannibal King: Do I pass the audition?

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Dracula: [looks from a building] Look at them down there, scurrying around like insects. They don't know anything about honor or living by the sword. Not like you and I do. Do you think they could ever grasp what it means to be immortal?
Blade: You're not immortal. I musta heard hundreds of you rodents make the same claim. Each one of them has tasted the

end of my sword.
Dracula: Perhaps I will too, then. But I think it is more likely the next time we meet, you fall before *mine*.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

[Jarko punches King]
Hannibal King: Ooh, gonna be sorry you did that.
Asher Talos: Why? Nobody's coming for you, King-shit.
Hannibal King: Sure they are.
[in pain]
Hannibal King: God! See, one of the things you fuckheads need to know about us Nightstalkers is that when you join our club, you get

all sorts of groovy little door prizes, and one of them is this nifty little tracking node surgically implanted in your body.
[all laugh]
Jarko Grimwood: Bullshit.
Hannibal King: Yeah. See, when one of us goes missing, the others, they just dial up the satellite... which is in space. And then presto. Instant cavalry.
[Asher claps]

Hannibal King: You like that, huh? Go fuck your sister.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Hannibal King: We call ourselves the Nightstalkers.
Blade: Hmm. Sounds like rejects from a Saturday morning cartoon.
Hannibal King: Well, we were gonna go with the Care Bears, but, uh, that was taken.

Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity

Hannibal King: Welcome to the honeycomb hideout.
Blade: How do you bankroll this operation?
Hannibal King: I date a lot of older men.