Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

An isolationist America is no bloody use to anyone.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

I've had songs written during the Falklands war, and during the first Gulf war I got letters from soldiers saying they were listening to these songs, like Island of no return.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

My theory is this; I'm not a political songwriter. I'm an honest songwriter.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

Being spokesman for a generation is the worst job I ever had.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

I'm trying to make a case for those people who don't have a sense of belonging that they should have, that there is something really worthwhile in having a sense of belonging, and recasting and looking at our modern history.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

In that sense, I became politicized because the people in the coal mining villages who were involved in the struggle knew why they were there. But they couldn't understand why some pop star from London would want to be there.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

But, in the end, even a song that's as politically bland as Blowin in the Wind, you probably wouldn't get up and sing that now, whereas some of Bob Dylan's love songs that were contemporary with that, like say Girl from the North Country, you can still get up an play now.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

So, in some ways, the political songs tend to be a bit more like reportage, whereas the love songs tend to be like novels, you can pick them up off the shelf and go into them any time.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

All the great political music was made at the height of political confrontations.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

By the time I was 19, punk had occurred. It had a completely different cultural dynamic to it which rejected everything and started again from the year zero.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

Even with politics, stuff comes around again. Woody Guthrie would recognize America today.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

I came into this whole business by going to see Rock Against Racism gigs with the Clash.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

I try and write honestly about what I see around me now.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

I was in a little punk band and we put out a few punk records that weren't very political, at all.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

I'm still batting away on my politics for the Labour Party. I'm much further to the left of them than I used to be, but that's because they've moved, not me.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

It's not a very popular subject amongst my audience, who are by nature more internationalist, but I don't choose what to write about, I don't choose my subjects, they kind of choose me.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

Most of the people that I went to school with - I went to secondary school - we were educated to go and work in the line at Ford's, and if we were lucky, technical skilled labor. I sort of rejected that, and thought I wanted to do something else.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

My upbringing was very straightforward suburban working class upbringing.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

That taught me one lesson which is that you're naive to believe that bands can change the world. Bands are very naive to think that just if their audience thinks that they can change the world, that they can. That was quite a lesson for my career, really.

Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

The most important thing for anyone, I think, is to be engaged, whether you're an artist or a journalist is to be engaged in the process at some level.