Alice Waters
Alice Waters

This is the power of gathering: it inspires us, delightfully, to be more hopeful, more joyful, more thoughtful: in a word, more alive.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

We have to bring children into a new relationship to food that connects them to culture and agriculture.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

The decisions you make are a choice of values that reflect your life in every way.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

Everything tastes better with butter. Meat that has fat in it is tender in a certain way, flavorful in a certain way. It's hard to deny the flavor quotient there.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

The act of eating is very political. You buy from the right people, you support the right network of farmers and suppliers who care about the land and what they put in the food.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

I feel that good food should be a right and not a privilege, and it needs to be without pesticides and herbicides. And everybody deserves this food. And that's not elitist.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

It's around the table and in the preparation of food that we learn about ourselves and about the world.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

A whole set of values comes with fast food: Everything should be fast, cheap and easy; there's always more where that came from; there are no seasons; you shouldn't be paid very much for preparing food. It's uniformity and a lack of connection.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

Food culture is like listening to the Beatles - it's international, it's very positive, it's inventive and creative.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

Create a garden; bring children to farms for field trips. I think it's important that parents and teachers get together to do one or two things they can accomplish well - a teaching garden, connecting with farms nearby, weave food into the curriculum.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

I don't want food that comes from animals that are caged up and fed antibiotics. I am really suspicious of that kind of production of meat and poultry.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

We eat every day, and if we do it in a way that doesn't recognize value, it's contributing to the destruction of our culture and of agriculture. But if it's done with a focus and care, it can be a wonderful thing. It changes the quality of your life.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

I'm unwilling to eat food that has been adulterated.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

Food isn't like anything else. It's something precious. It's not a commodity.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

English food writer Elizabeth David, cook and author Richard Olney and the owner of Domaine Tempier Lulu Peyraud have all really inspired the way I think about food.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

We make decisions every day about what we're going to eat. And some people want to buy Nike shoes - two pairs, and other people want to eat Bronx grapes and nourish themselves. I pay a little extra, but this is what I want to do.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

I really am at a place where I think we need to feed every child at school for free and feed them a real school lunch that's sustainable and nutritious and delicious. It needs to be part of the curriculum of the school in the same way that physical education was part of the curriculum, and all children participated.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

Grass-fed cattle are leaner. But it's not true that they are less flavorful.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

I came to all the realizations about sustainability and biodiversity because I fell in love with the way food tastes. That was it. And because I was looking for that taste I feel at the doorsteps of the organic, local, sustainable farmers, dairy people and fisherman.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

The biggest thing you can do is understand that every time you're going to the grocery store, you're voting with your dollars. Support your farmers' market. Support local food. Really learn to cook.