François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux
François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux

When he wills, the devil does all things well.

François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux
François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux

Le Doyen de Badajoz. (Ed. 1818, Vol. III., p. 266).

François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux
François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux

Suppose we had no judges in Berlin.

François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux
François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux

Translation: These wretched kings,
Of whom all men speak ill, have oft some good in them.

François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux
François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux

To die in Paris costs a pretty penny.

François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux
François Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux

Translation: Princes' sports are these:
A mill they'll spare: a province they will seize.